
Hidden order in various complex systems

The entry may contain outdated data.


Dear all

We are happy to announce that the University of Zielona Góra has started the implementation of the project Hidden Order in Various Complex Systems as part of the Blended Intensive Programme, Erasmus+. The event is interdisciplinary and lies at the border of sociology, biology and physics. Online meetings and lectures are ongoing this week. On Monday 13.5, we had the opportunity to listen to the lectures: ‘Plants and predators: how plants attract their personal bodyguards’, by Prof. Beata Gabryś, and ‘Animal society’, by Alicja Dubicka-Czechowska, MA. Next week (20-24.5.2024) lectures are planned,
laboratories, workshops, trainings and plenary sessions in a stationary format.

This year's Blended Intensive Programme will be attended by students and staff from our partner universities: University of Presov, University of Alba Iulia and UZ students, as well as Erasmus+ students programme students studying at UZ this semester.

We warmly invite you to participate.


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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18